As a young theological student I was mentored by Joe Fraser who particularly helped me with the challenge of Hebrew.

Joe was a Uni Black footballer and a core member of Ormond’s footy team. We struggled every year to beat Newman, even when we had Collingwood’s centre half forward Ian Graham and Essendon’s David Shaw. But Joe was the team’s tough man, ruthless but fair. I particularly remember Joe having an altercation with the goalpost which left him concussed and bloodied. He insisted on playing on in appalling weather because it was against Newman. 

In those days we had oranges at half-time and shared swigs of sherry straight from the flagon at three-quarter time. The Presbyterian Church did not approve and directed the Master, Davis McCaughey to ban alcohol in the College. Davis refused saying he preferred students drinking in the College rather than crossing Royal Parade after a session at Naughton’s Hotel.

Ian Graham playing for Collingwood.

David Shaw, Ormond and Essendon Football Club player.

Tell us more

Every Ormondian has their own unique experience of College life, and their own story to tell. Do you remember a particular fellow student at Ormond who helped you with your studies? Or perhaps a star footballer stands out? Share your story with us.